Sunday, March 30, 2008

your 17th my dog.

i went curve around 6, just to walk aimlessly around to wait for the others. ming, sern and justin came around 6.30... and the rest came at 7.30... by that time, my stomach was as though there's a driller drilling the lining of my stomach! yerp, i admit i get grumpy just like my old man when im hungry. not to mention i get really annoyed damn fast. i think i "HIRUP" in my roasted chicken salad. right after that, i got stomach pain. dammit, i think i ate too fast. =.="

jenn who loves to tikam lidah with ming. myself.


I WORE SHORTS AIGHT! and no, ruba, my clothes does NOT get lesser and lesser everytime you see me..

there! see my shorts!

ming just LOVES to destroy perfect pictures! damn annoying feller, and he thinks he damn hot la.. pffffttt..

dad bought chen flaming lamboghini for her birthday present.

chen, dont you realise every negative things we did is around my parents?! the first time we shisha was with my parents at Hartamas Square early of last year, then u drinking when u came stay over and now this shit drink.. im sorry on behalf of my parents if they turn you into monster aight.. =)

dammit! the straw kena burn and can suck no shits. but got a sip or two. tasted like some antibiotic.. blechhh..

MrTan. myself.

nah, ur awful pineapple.

sern the "im fine im fine, im not high" but actually he's high, birthdaybitch and myself.

sern took a bottle of beer at Scarlet during dinner, a shot of kahlua and a mug of beer. and then he's quite! very clear he IS high.

jenn,brandon and justin surprised wainee with 2 slices of brownies from SecretRecipe and 2 scoops of icecream from BaskinRobins. real thoughtful of them.

after my parents left, we went IN and sat ourselves one corner, called a bottle of blacklabel. and i am pretty proud to say i didnt drink more than a sip of that whiskey on the rocks from ruba's glass.. wasnt in the mood.. MsChen, MrFoo, myself.

i swear that night was one of the weirdest situation ever. since we cant get our cocktail tower at Laundry, we decided to head one floor up. just to find out, my family and tjun's family is there, drinking and laughing. we sat 4 tables away and it felt damn right weird to be drinking with friends in front of my parents, AND my friends seeing MY parents drinking. not that they cared but, yeah! anyhow, in the picture we have ruba, the birthday girl, myself, jenn, sern, brandon, justin and ming.

the brownie was bit hard and dry, but its chocolate, and so, kristen still loves em'.

the very happy couple. btw, brandon, my mum thinks you look like a drug addict. i dont blame her. =P

i followed ruba home at 11. mum got a shock seeing me that early.. mum, proud lehh..

happy 17th birthday, chen wai nee!

i need new.

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