Sunday, March 9, 2008

stay home!

yeah, i sit kangkang. u got a problem? next time easy to give birth. so girlS, lets all start sitting with our leg open. XD

i like my bra and panties bed sheets. reminds you of jenn and brandon? jenn the panties brandon the bra.

home on weekends.. yerp, due to pilihan raya, possibly everyone was told to stay home. i wonder why actually. chen said scared of rusuhan. asked dad what are the possibility of riot? and he said hasn't happen since the 90's. so i guess bloody scenes wont be on newspaper's first page. bro and i followed mum to curve and got my nails and hair done. mcb! my hair damn farking short. asked the feller to cut one inch, he snip 2 inch! grow hair! pls grow fast. pfft. the following day, sunday, went amcorp to get few STORY books. yes, not buku rujukan or activity book. and the rest of my day i spent it at HOME.

bold colours soOO turns me on!

oh mum bought this earing "penggantung".

now i'm so organised! er, not really actually.. open my wardrobe, everything tumbang la.

tittle of my current book's Mounting Desires. chen, ima borrow u this after finishin it. so u can get turn on. =P

my SOOOooo short hair.. doris thought i cut bob! hELlll Nooo.. i wont..

i aint a political person. but really, the first thing that came across my mind is to buy TheStar at the nearest news stand. wow, the result of pilihan raya's quite shocking. Barisan Nasional lost a few states including Selangor. opposition, mainly Democratic Action Party and Parti Keadilan Rakyat, took over Penang, Selangor, Kedah and a couple of west malaysia. this is what happens when u dont listen to your people. BN had been arrogant and do as they like, raise this raise that. its probably a wake up call for BN to pay lil more attention to what we, as citizen, has to say.
i'm off.

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