Saturday, March 8, 2008

so vivid. so real

it's a fine wednesday and my aunt dropped me off for tuition at topschool. i was walking towards the center and amalina walked down from the center.
*amalina: eh kris, tuition 30 mins later. teacher's not here*
*myself: oh ok. so what the hell are we gonna do till then?! jaya also tutup edi*
*amalina: we go cc at jaya 33 awhile la*
so we were walking towards the building opposite the road. when suddenly i realised i dropped my purse somewhere while walking.. i traced my steps and saw a man looking through my purse.. i ran over and snatch it back. i looked up to his face and saw he is a malay guy about his late thirties looking real dangerous. "ei! saya nampak itu dulu!". "saya punya" and i wanted to walk off. he blocked my way and ask me to give him all the money i have. i refuse and ran towards the tuition center. i looked back and saw instead of the guy chasing me, its a malay lady charging towards me. i rummaged through my pencilcase and found my blade. the blade i always make fun on how i would use that as a protection against rapist by cutting of his dick instead of a conventional pepperspray. i stopped by the flight of stairs and starting waving my blade violently. she knocked me off my feet and my blade flew few feet away from me. she flung her body and picked up my blade. suddenly, carrie rushed over and passed me a scissors and fled off leaving me alone to face this horrible short and plum woman. despite my fear, i cleverly used the chance i had by cutting off her pinky finger when she was pointing the blade at me. she roar in pain and i took my chance to run up the stairs and sat myself in the tuition class. i acted as though nothing ever happened. one by one students came and fill the class. since it is my first class for bm, i was wondering how would the bm teacher look and be. at last, teacher walked in and i saw ITS THE SAME WOMAN WHO TRIED TO KILL ME. i got a shocked and my whole body started to shiver.
*doris: eh you ok a not? ur face drained out of colour*
*myself: omg omg omg.. its herrrr itss herrr...she tried to kill me*
*doris: wtf u talking bout?*
i saw the woman scanning through our faces and went her eyes met mine, i thought i saw a glim of evil flickering and a smudge on her face. i look at her hand to comfirm if its the same woman, and fear caught up in my throat as i saw her hand was bandaged. IT IS THE SAME WOMAN WHO TRIED TO KILL ME! however, she acted as though nothing had happened.. and she continued teaching.. handing us paper works. after 10 mins she walked out of the class, and i started to teared. out of no where i felt a tap on my shoulder and i swear my soul jumped out of my skin. the woman ask me to follow her out of the class and i started to cry, bawl, and sob.

i woke up crying. i felt tears on my cheek and i was sobbing. my breath were jagged and i was literally shivering despite the aircon was turned off and i'm fully covered with my comfy comforters.

that was by far the worst nightmare i ever had. and my first time waking up in tears. plus my first time remembering every detail of my dream. it was so vivid and real. does a dream tells a story of yourself or your life that you never know, at least consciously? i read through an article in the says every dream is somehow connected to your life. i wonder how is this dream connected to my life. whatever it is, it had better not be one-of-a-kind recurring dream.

scary dowh'.

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