Thursday, March 20, 2008

trip to tax free island.

i had a short 4days 3 nights stay at langkawi. first night was at Lagoon Hotel then dad wanted to try Pelangi Resort. Jesus christ, i have no idea why a person would want to pay 1.2k for a room per night?! dad, u have to learn a thing or two from me la. that is to stay in cheaper resorts and splurge the cash elsewhere like FOOOODDDD, Seaafoood to be precise.

saw this board when the plane landed and the word Bebas Cukai is such a holy word dont u think so? it means alcohol's cheap! cig is cheap! not that i smoke though.

scenery was pretty awesome.


tjun kit insisted on going to the UnderwaterWorld. i didnt know my species look so "wild" =D

i hate parrots! they make such an awful high pitch sound.. KwOOookKwooOkkkKoUuuuu .. swear i wanted to lastic the bird!

flamingossss! everyone thinks i walk like flamingo! but i DO NOT think so! tq very much.


in a cable car up to some bridge. bro's a freaking pussy!! all the way up, he was ramblin prayers.. oh god, i dont want to die.. diela diela.. jesus christ..

the old people started drinking once touch down la. this is the welcome drink. and guess what they add in it?! VODKA! its a welcome drink dammit!

evening was beeerrrrr all the way. the shack we sat was over looking the beautiful sunset.. ahh that was heaven.

aunt jo ask me to take a pic of him lookin drunk all.. so she can blackmail him to DatukCK (his upperhand) haha..

tjun and bro busy collecting seashells and killing poor crabss.

did i mention my phone fell into the sea?!?!?! yESsss.. it did! and it is sTIl WORKING. somehow my precious phone fell into the sea while i was snorkelling. and whole gadget just went blank. got back to the room and straight away blow my freaking phone with hair dryer. and VOILAH it still works like a charm! pics, songs, msges, contacts, everything still ada.. god, im gonna start treating my phone with care la.

i snorkel and swam with sharks! black-tip shark to be precise. quite a good experience. i can literally see its teeth and few remora fish swimmin beneath it. still alive aight!

the fucking ferry ride to snorkelling site took an hour plus! wtf?! i would prefer speedboat mann!

i got more tan!

the last night, i took my cousin to try shisha. and i think that is the worst move ever. he likes it! and he is now addicted to it. dieladie. i expected him to NOT like it and puff once or twice and hate it. but NO! he likes the smell! he likes the smoke! CRAp!


home's still the best!

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