Saturday, March 8, 2008

many dogs.

thurs. monthly exam's over! but being a good student, i still went for nirmala's..ok, fine! i admit its not being a good student that made me go, but because the macha for sure will sound you if you dont show up in her class. anyways, after physic-ing for two hours, i went to picadilly's with ruba and pravind. friend like me give support, so went over sek 14 to give support to jeff as its his first day opening his shisha place. ruba and pravind did feel lil sesat but what the heck they had their beers to teman. after an hour they were off. ming and sern came after their chem session. i went home at 10 on the dot! i'm so proud of myself, told mum ill be back by 10 and i did! XD

the following day was a holiday,yay! woke up at 7.30 and went for a jog at tmn aman. omfg? got damn a lot of old ladies. talking walking swingin their arms.. saw this old man doing taichi, hilarious shit! one of his move was as though he kena rasuk hantu and shivering.. but quite interesting come to think of it. one day, i shall approach the taichi group and ask them to take me in as their youngest member. ;) after lil sweating it out, i spent my time baking cupcakes for myra. burned my palm lil, myra, u had better appreciate my cupcakes.! close to one, i took a cab to mv and met up with chen, doris and christina. bloody chilis at MV, sucks! they dont allow reservations and fussy people didnt want to sit us a table of 8 if others havent arrive. dogs! in the end we degrade to nandos. but all's good. the waiter boy was pretty kind. fattz came close to 2 and myra and melisa came around 2.30.. by the time everyone was starvin like shyt. the everyone was mostly me and chen. we watched vantage point and conclusion of the show's cock! especially the first one hour of the show. they repeated the same scene 6 time!!! the only difference is they repeated it from different point of view from different character. damn potong, as u watch this person's point of view, the climax, they literally cut it off! but the ending's good. after movie, walked for bout and hour and melisa and i took cab back to myra's house.. home it is at 7.30...

dont get me started with the candles. why is all bakeries so kiamsap?! cant you bakeries even spare us few batang of candles?! even if we wanna buy from you?! jeez.. ended up, me and chen went over to carefore and queued to pay. the queue was long gile. 30 mins just to purchase miserable 12 batang of lilin.

melisa. myra. myself.

got a cab after waiting for bout 2345678909876543234567890mins. the dog, cab driver, didnt wanna go two places..

myra. chen. doris.

the lot.

myra making a wish...

fattz lost her phone! she's jealous of my phone. =P kiddin. shes getting n81! the dog, i hate.

miru, myra,mirandi.

miss phuah.

miss chen.

mind the icing. kena smeared by the box.. but hey! its edibal.. bloody fattz critizied that whatever i bake will come out rock hard.. in the end she ate them and no comment. in other words speechless cause its good! =P

happy 17th myra!

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