Wednesday, April 9, 2008

one and only.

when it was last week, i was dreading this week, the busy week. but heck, the busy-ness paid off. monday and tuesday woke up extra early to go for 30mins training. some of you may go what?! training for what?! the kristen i know obviously dont join any sports competition neither is she in any MSSD. guess hermine house was desperate for runners and me getting 3rd in cross country made them enter my name in 4x 400m.. so i think its my first time in my highschool years, that i went for sukan raptai, considering the fact i hate the sun's UV light. unfortunetly, terpaksalah saya, this year to go for sports' day rehearsel. there was the normal marching rehearsel, followed by other acara like junior's 4x100m, 4x4oom and senior's 200m, 4x100m and 4x400m. my event was the last. christina who was running for Clare house started to "omg, damn scared la kristen, gonna pee edi", making me feeling more pressured than ever. i'm most probably the worst out of the four in my group, and if we were to lose, its probably me to blame. the first runner was dahlila, second was evanna, i was third runner and 4th was isabelle, our sword, our hope, our weapon. haha.. while i was on the track, i went "oh god, oh god, pls help me. make sure i dont skid slide trip or drop the damn baton" evanna kept saying "the BATON is YOUR LIFE! hold on to it!" ahh! tambah pressure. damn field was muddy, wet, berlompak air. but... run run run run.... pass the silver iron to isabelle... she SPRINTSPRINTSPRINT... yay!! won first! and this is how i came to get my one and only gold medal.
hermine's ribbon treadmark.
hermine's runner treadmark.
mann, i really kesian all the marchers. the amount of time they spent under the sun is just too much. at the rate they expose their body to the sun, i wouldnt be suprise if one of them gets skin cancer!
ah, bout monday, we had our class photoshoot and also interact club photoshoot.
felicia came to my class to buat kacau. she wrote you suck on my book and noraini saw, and said you naughtynaughty..
we used to call her sperm. because she had a very jeng, tail that looks very much like sperm for a hair style. after lots of convincing from us, like me, doris, melisa and jenn, she decided to cut the tail off. and now, she looks like she has an ovum for a head. she is now addressed as OVUM.
patient student waiting for chemistry teacher. how unusual.
great, tomorrow got chem quiz at sri utama.
a good night sleep.

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