Thursday, May 29, 2008

trolak supercamp.

the very short summary of my trip.

steph, the maggy mee supplier, myself, the healthy food supplier, doris, who got lil sick after river rafting, jenn, who kept complaining about some sri aman girl and felicia, who kept chanting pretty boy in her sleep.

fattz watching gossip girl in the bus through her phone. her so called "sexy-phone"

doris myself in the bus.

nick. fattz. ming. myself. during one of the meal-time..
photohunt, the first activity. and this is my group members.. we call ourselves, dAh'sam!

resh. myself.

its all part of the photohunt.

was running high and low just to find this juke-box. you would never believe what emmanuel's group did for photohunt la..that group was pure cock and hilarious but won first anyways. congrats.

some olympic feller came to give a talk on tobacco-free-world.. was boring, and therefor *snapsnap!*

fattz, jenn, myself.

jenn's group member..

steph! the very enthusiastic feller to play heartattck with.. she will literally give you one!

this is what happenes when you put 4 assuntarians in a small room.. bras and panties everywhere, empty maggycup at every corner of the room. i wonder how they cope sleeping in dumpster for 3 nights!

the last night, we had bbq for dinner.

had lil dance feast. when song was blasted through speakers, everyone went haywired.

jenn and myself with some olympic torch holder. he dropped by to give a talk about smoking and trying to get us to support his Tobacco Free World.
*him: i'm here to tell you bout my campaign on TFW*
*myself: WTF, i know la. wth's TFW?!*

the result of trying to stay up till the very next morning. instead, all of us were half dead. doris, chris, jenn, felicia and myself. any position will do!

most interesting position award goes to felicia, hands down! the Pornstar Postion!

all pack and set to head back to civilisation. if you're wondering, my luggage's damaged thanks to ganas people like steph, felicia playing heartattack in the bus. they used my luggage as "table" bang!bang! bang! =spoilt.

my group members. rajah, the noisiest feller, hui yi, who literally brought the whole popular bookstore, resh, the leader!, and myself.

ming, who tried coming up with a logo for our banner, but failed without my help. our Sam Banner. i did most of the banner, coming up with colourful effect and the writtings. the others came up with the Soulful Alive Malaysians and Quest of the Soul. this is call team work! ;)

not bad eh?? find it quite vibrant.

jenn. myself.

hi-low rope and flying fox. myself, chris and hui yi. quite a nice experience especially flying fox.

up up and away!

the funky spotlight.

the very last day. we had the camp's closing ceremony and of cause picture session. a very emotional moment especially went we sang the auld lang sync song.

in the bus, on the way home. before even hitting the high way, the very impatient nick ng started his gambling session. however, it lasted only for an hour. the remaining hour, everyone fell asleep.

Brandon chin and ngai jenn ai. jenn, i can blackmail you with this pic! you had better treat me nice!
a trip to remember.

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