Wednesday, May 28, 2008

pictures from last friday. a day out at pyramid, singing and ice-skating.

she had three wishes.

happy 17th birthday, dharu!

chris, melisa and i bought dharu 12 doughnuts from j.Co instead of tradisional cakes. the delighted and happy expression was all over her face.

we had so much fun taking pictures in the toilet WITHOUT wai nee.. =P she was busy peeing, and we were constantly mocking her.. nyeheh.

the whole lot of us who kinda brought the whole redbox vibrating with our singing, er no, screeching.

who wants the extra bowl of prawn mee?? food's horrible! i think i'm getting more and more picky on food as days passes by la.

chen jumping, looking like some chicken flappin.

dharu, chen, doris, myself, chris.. havent been skating since last 2 years, and still havent lose my touch, aint bad eh? but next time, skating gotta be as early as 10 am! when the ring is NOT pack!

doris and myself.

the talking/ gossipin moments after a hearty meal.

steamboating aint a bad suggestion for a get together. easy, fun and delicious. had too much of food though. doris bought the whole market and the amount of bAlls with have to eat......

trolak supercamp

i'm back from supercamp, bruiseless, cutless, leechless, scarless, blisterless. this proves i can take care of mahself just pretty alright. ;) when i got back, the first thing i asked my dad was, why havent you been allowing me to go for more camps previous years?
and he went, cause i never did believe you can take care of urself. why? very fun meh? thought u wouldnt survive doing all the physically active activities.. wtf, this proves how "much" he has faith in me la..i started la to debate with him, and realised i do like doing outdoor and active activities after all.. how i realised?? when i was sooo dissapointed when my group and i didnt get to jungle trek. some fat ass cobra blocking our path, and the only thing the trainers can say was esok boleh la, hari ny kita balik saja la ya. i wanted to just ask him kill the damn cobra and let me trek the damn jungle. sigh.. river rafting was quite good because it was something different. however, water was as high as my knees and it just dosent feel like we are paddling because raevin and ming was pusing and steering the raft. had fun and experience making the raft though. 5 huge tayars + 6 bamboo sticks + 32 tough strings = perfect raft made and build mostly by ming, raevin and a CHS feller. there was hi-low rope and flying fox too. since i dont fear height, so it wasnt really much of a challenge for me compared to jenn and pmay. pmay did overcome her fears but jenn, boo you!

the first day we arrived, our bags were being checked for booze and fags. it's just plain amazing to see what others bring along. dharu brought the largest luggage and guess what takes up most of the space? FOOODDD, wait no, JUNKfood.. actually that is what mostly everyone brought. ranging from potato chips, every possible brand and type around, chocolates, sweets, biscuit, oh and MAGGYMEE, everyone's favourite and source of food at least during the camp. did i mention the food was HORRIIBLE?! oh hell yes, most food's tasteless and some even looked as if its infested. everyday la i feed on biscuitSss..

the last night, at 11pm, it was one of the highlight of the camp. lights went off, disco lights turned on, music blasting off the stereo and everyone started to dance and jump. guys started shuffling girls started shaking booties. dharu went, we dont need alcohol for this mann. all the fun ended at 12+... no curfew for the night, and so we stayed up till late playing heartattack and stripping game. died off about 4am..

would very much love to post some pics but sleep comes first. have been lacking of it. though i did sleep for 12 hours once i got home yesterday but.....

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