Sunday, January 18, 2009

BBQ for CNY, anyone?

pretty outdated, i know. ah well, this was at cousin's place celebrating ChenVeCo's birthday which pretty much became an adult's party instead. about 10 kids running around the house and the rest are adults eatting, drinking and chitchatting. its been awhile since we had a big family gathering. no one ever took the initiative to call each other.. well that's pretty much how my family works. however, i wouldnt say its all that bad though. seeing too often and we'll get bored of each other and CNY wont feel anymore special and different from others. agree? anyhow, pictures will do the talking.

kenn looking gay as ever. havent been in touch much cousin, michelle.

ahh, so much of catching up girl!

a not so complete potrait of cousins. missing my bro, tjun kit, daphne, su wen, coco,............ eh!? since when i have that many cousins?! hehh.. it always feels as though my family's small. unlike chen's!

god, kenn, you're looking gay-ier and gay-ier each day..

birthday girl busy opening her present. jealous sial. i dont remember getting that many presents when i was a child!


birthday girl with her friends . she's the shortest and timid-esst compared to her friends. dec child, wharrrrttt to doo.

Mmmmm, this kind of cake brings back my childhood memories mann. the birthdays i used to have powerpuffgirl, tweetybird and snoopy on my cake! haha

everyone's addicted to playing Wii, even me! god, the games' good dude! especially teNNIS! i wanna get one! er, sponsor, anyone? hehh

these was the food for the night. BBQ! we had chicken, steak, porkribs, sausages, corn, sweet potatoes and ikan kembong. goooood fooodd!

see even michelle thinks so. haha
and the man behind the delicious food is...... UncColin!.. food was marinated by him and BBQ-ed by him.
next to update would be new year's eve. =)


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