Sunday, August 10, 2008


i think i'm quite an awful daughter to have. i am actually happy that my dad has to work on saturday and sunday. but before ya'll judge any further, i'll tell you why. weekends with my dad is just sOOoo predictable.
Morning- breakfast at DU's DimSum. walkin/shopping/window shoppin either at Curve, OU or Bangsar (very often, Bangsar)
Noon- laze around at home. Sharp 4.30, he'll make one short phone call to my unc to decide where to meet up for dinner and drinking.
Eve- SHARP 6pm, our asses will be either at OU's Chilis or OU's Dave (opposite TGIF).. SOMEtimes, we'll have dinner at Social,Bangsar or SouledOut. and if dad feels like eating chinese food, TTDI will be it. the old hags will have their normal 1Jug of beer each and 3-4 shots of Vodka. by 10 i'll be back home staring in front of my notebook.

YERP! that's my saturdayssSss..

on sundays, BREAKFAST-VISIT GRANNY AT JAYA-ROAMING AROUND IN ONE OF THE MALLS (never Sunway or Midvally, cause it's too far)- TEA TIME- AND HOME.

now, you know why.

anyhow, dad had his whole day duty at KLCC Convention Hall. and finally i had a lil out of the norm weekend. mum and i did a lil shoppin at Plaza Damas. that area may be quite but there is damn many nice restaurants serving mouth watering food. we tried this restaurant called Coast.

quite a photocopy of TGIF and chilis. the fajitas and southwest cobb salad was great.

later on, we had a nice stroll and found ourselves in this real windy place to chill.

there's this small restaurant serving homecooked western food. their tomato herb soup was authentic and pan fried butter lemon dory fish was HEAVEN! it is served with potato jacket and boiled vegetables. wanted to snap a picture of it, but it vanished into my stomach within sec. eheh.

there's a Desert Bar serving a wide variety of desert. i tried panna cotta and bro had his choc mudcake. Mmmmm.. dont everyone just loVe deserts..

in a boutique.. look at bro and his lack of enthusiasm in CLOTHES.

we dropped by Hartamas and this street caught me by suprise. the last i went, it was a BACK ALLEY with NO streetlamps and filled with huge RUBBISHBIN. i guess its been awhile since i went to Hartamas. thanks to ol'Dad. if you're wondering wth i was doing in a backalley, i used to use this "shortcut" to buy applecrumble at Strudels' and back to SouledOut.

we did our normal weekend grocery shopping at curve. and

mum bought this plant. AND almost killed it.. she change the water with TAPWATER! the next morning, few yellow-ish leaves are seen. wonder why? there's is no bloody NUTRIENTS for the damn plant! i had to drop some liquid fertiliser in it. mum, oh, mum.. she dosent have greenfingers. but, her daughter has. =)

awhWEll, weekend well spent. another week of school and its schoolholidays!


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